A very special visit

Last week I had a very special visitor. Hanna was born here. She was a Gwennie Lynus puppy born October 19, 2000. This was my first litter.  Last fall she was here with her sister Gracie for a week or so. Still very interactive and playful at 16 years old. The past few weeks she has not been feeling well. Her mom brought her here for a visit knowing her time was close. I am so thankful for this time with her. We got to snuggle and she got out of the car for a little walk. Last night a got the message that Hanna went to heaven💔 she was such a special girl. Each puppy is a gift. Watching them grow and become members of their families is truely a blessing to watch as a breeder.

Can you tell which puppy Hanna is?❤️

A little down time

It’s nice when the puppies come to visit but they get so excited to see each other. They play until they are exhausted. A few days in they can just enjoy being together.